
The Accademia Nazionale di Danza (AND) has many contacts around the international dance world.
Partner countries have been Taiwan, China, Russia, Mali, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Palestine, Mozambique and Georgia, in addition to Europe.
Since 2013 the AND has officially begun a more structured internationalisation process by joining the Erasmus+ project network with both European countries (Programme Countries) and non-European countries (Partner Countries), improving the incoming and outgoing exchange of students, teaching and staff.

The academic year runs from 1 November to 31 October.
Usually, educational activities are divided into two semesters:

Semester I: from 1 November to 28 February
Semester II: from 1 March to 31 October

There are three examination sessions:
Session I: from January to February
Session II: from June to July
Session III: from September to October

More information about the Schools and the Study programmes are reported below

First study cycle = Bachelor (EQF โ€“ 6)

Study programme of the Bachelor-Classical Dance School

Study programme of the Bachelor-Contemporary Dance School

Study programme of the Bachelor-Choreography Dance School


The Bologna Process and the Institutional Grading System

Online Incoming Booklet AND


Discover opportunities

Erasmus Stories

โ€œMy name is Asel, I am from Kazakhstan. The Erasmus program helped me fulfill my dream. Iโ€™m glad I got to Nazionale Academy Di Danza. The teachers are excellent professionals, and the students are very friendly and immediately accepted me as their teamโ€

Assel Nurpeissova
Incoming student from Kazakhstan

โ€œDoing erasmus in Accademia is a different experience for me. I am learning different techniques then I have study before. It is a bit hard sometimes to try to learn the techniques that you are not used to, but it creates an inner challenge and it helps you to get away from your safe place. And working with the people that you dont know is an interesting and exciting experience. We share different knowledges, feelings, cultures and all these sharings are inspirationalโ€

Ipekci Rabia Sevim Ajbike (Luna)
Incoming student from Turkey

โ€œDoing erasmus in this academy creates a different and a whole new vision for me. As a dancer working with different techniques that i didnโ€™t do before is a real challenge and i like to try these in the academy. Also the academy is in a really beautiful environment and students and the teachers are really welcoming. I also had chance to work with a choreographer who is working in London and creating a project in a month with italian students was a challengingly but fun experience. In this way i feel more part of this academyโ€.

Gizem Sevim
Incoming student from Turkey

International Office Administration:
Dott.ssa Morgana Bruno

Orario di ricevimento:
mercoledรฌ e giovedรฌ dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 12:00
Receiving hours:
on Wednesday and on Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00
+39 0657177743

๐Ÿ“Dove siamo / Where we are

Coordinatori Erasmus
Erasmus Coordinators:
Prof.ssa Monica Fulloni
Prof.ssa Giorgia Maddamma
