Incoming - Opportunities

Student opportunities

Student mobility can be carried out in any study field and cycle (Bachelor – EQF level 6; Master – EQF level 7) and can be of two types:

  • Student mobility for studies: from 2 months (or one academic term or trimester) to 12 months of physical mobility, excluding travel time.
  • Student mobility for traineeships: from 2 to 12 months of physical mobility, excluding travel time.

All participating organisations from EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme (both sending and receiving) must be higher education institutions (HEIs) awarded with an ECHE. All organisations from third countries not associated to the Programme (both sending and receiving) must be HEIs recognised by competent authorities and have signed inter-institutional agreements with their partners from EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme, before the mobility takes place.

Any student, in particular those who are not able to participate in a long-term physical mobility for studies or for traineeships, for example, due to their study field or because they have fewer opportunities for participation, may combine a shorter physical mobility with a virtual component (blended short-term mobility). In addition, any student may participate in blended intensive programmes. In these cases, physical mobility must last between 5 days and 30 days (excluding travel time) and be combined with a compulsory virtual component facilitating collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork. A blended mobility for studies must award a minimum of 3 ECTS credits.

The student, the sending and the receiving organisation must sign a learning agreement on the OLA Platform before the mobility takes place at the following link:

Nomination and application procedures at AND for incoming students

(Nomination and application deadlines are: 31st of May for the first semester; 30th of September for the second semester. All the applications received out of the deadline dates will be rejected).

1) Official nomination letter from the Sending Institution

In this letter the Sending Institution should indicate:

  • the data about the Sending Institution (e.g. the official name of the Institution, the Erasmus Code);
  • the personal data of the student (e.g. name, surname, place and date of birth), the email and the phone number of the student;
  • the period of the mobility (Academic year, start date/end date if it is possible, number of months, first semester/second semester/full year and the study cycle: First study cycle = bachelor – EQF – 6; Second study cycle = master – EQF – 7).

The official nomination letter should be sent to these following addresses: and

2) Application form (to be completed by the incoming student)

The student, after the official nomination letter from her/his Sending Institution, can complete the online application form at the following link: 

Please note that it would be better if the student created a google account before inserting data on the application.

In the application form the student has also to upload:

  • the Identity Card (PDF format only):
  • the Personal photo;
  • the European Health Insurance Card (PDF format only);
  • the English or Italian CV (PDF format only);
  • the English or Italian Motivation letter (PDF format only);
  • the Transcript of Records from previous years (PDF format only);
  • the Learning Agreement for studies/traineeship (PDF format only). N.B. The student can complete and download the document on the OLA Platform (
  • a Youtube/Vimeo link of the performance.

N.B. The video must have in total a maximum of 15 minutes containing all the 3 different techniques exercises.

  1. Classical Technique: candidates must show the following exercises: Tendus with pirouettes, Adagio, Petit Allegro, Grand Allegro.
  2. Contemporary technique: Floor work and standing work – spine mobility, back, legs and arms work, balance, and off balance, moving exercise across the floor – changing levels, turns, jumps, falls.
  3. Improvisation: Small improvisation on movement language, time and energy.

In case of acceptance, the student will receive the Letter of acceptance as well as practical and useful information for the Erasmus exchange.

Information and documents required for the Erasmus exchange are reported below:

Before arrival

Visa and rules for the stay in Italy of exchange students

  • EU students with stays of up to 90 days: they can freely circulate and stay in Italy for up to a maximum of 3 months as long as they have a valid identity document for travel abroad;
  • EU students with a stay of more than 90 days: it is necessary to register with the Registration Office (Anagrafe) of the Municipality of Rome.

For further information:

  • Non-EU students with stays of up to 90 days: ask at the Embassy (or Consulate) whether or not it is necessary to apply for a visa;
  • Non-EU students with a stay of more than 90 days:
  1. Check the information regarding the application/release of the visa for study purposes on the website:
  2. Carry out online pre-enrolment through the Universitaly portal, at the following link:

The pre-enrolment application will be verified by the offices of the National Academy of Dance and forwarded to the Embassy/Consulate that has been indicated.

  1. Apply for the residence permit within 8 days of arrival in Italy.

For further information:


The Accademia Nazionale di Danza does not provide student housing facilities. Therefore, foreign students must either rent rooms privately or share an apartment with other students.
The prices for a private room in a shared apartment range from € 350,00 to € 550,00 (or higher) per month. This information is based on research conducted on small ads published in newspapers and websites.
Please note that when renting a room, you will typically be required to pay a deposit equal to one to three months’ rent. Prices for a double room range from € 300,00 to € 400,00 per person.
In Rome, there is a large number of foreign students, which can make finding accommodation difficult, especially for periods shorter than 12 months. It is recommended to start looking for accommodation well in advance, preferably before your arrival in Rome.

Important: DO NOT make any payments from abroad in advance. Make sure to meet with the person who is providing accommodation at your arrival in Rome. Always DO SIGN an official rental contract: to rent properties without contract is illegal under Italian Law (Law Decree 23/2011) and leave tenants unprotected.

Upon arrival & during the mobility
At the end of the mobility

Teachers opportunities

Staff mobility can be carried out by any type of higher education staff or by invited staff from outside the HEIs.

The teaching period abroad enables any teaching staff at a higher education institution or staff from enterprises to teach at a partner higher education institution abroad. Staff mobility for teaching can be in any study field.

A staff mobility period abroad can combine teaching and training activities.

The duration of mobility among EU Member States and countries associated to the Programme must be from 2 to 60 days of physical mobility, excluding travel time. In the case of invited staff from enterprises, the minimum duration is 1 day of physical mobility.

In case of mobility involving third countries not associated to the Programme, the duration must be from 5 to 60 days, excluding travel time. The same applies for invited staff from enterprises.

In all cases, the minimum number of days must be consecutive.

A teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any other period of stay shorter than a week). If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that week. The following exceptions apply:

  • There is no minimum number of teaching hours for invited staff from enterprises.
  • If the teaching activity is combined with a training activity during a single period abroad, the minimum number of hours of teaching per week (or any other period of stay shorter than a week) is reduced to 4 hours.

Any teaching period abroad may be carried out as a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP).

The sending organisation must be:

  • a HEI from an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme awarded with an ECHE, or
  • a HEI from a third country not associated to the Programme recognised by competent authorities that has signed inter-institutional agreements with their partners from an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme, or
  • in the case of staff invited to teach at HEI: any public or private organisation (not awarded with an ECHE) in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme or third country not associated to the Programme active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research and innovation. For example, such organisation can be:
  • a public or private, a small, medium or large enterprise (including social enterprises);
  • a public body at local, regional or national level;
  • a social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce, craft/professional associations and trade unions;
  • a research institute;
  • a foundation;
  • a school/institute/educational centre (at any level, from pre-school to upper secondary education, and including vocational education and adult education);
  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO;
  • a body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information services

The teacher, sending and the receiving organisation must sign a Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching before the mobility takes place.

Administrative procedures at AND for incoming teachers

  1. An official Invitation from AND as well an official request from the Partner Institution must be sent to the following e-mail addresses:; (Please note that the request must include the data of the home institution, Erasmus code if applicable, personal data of the participant and the period of mobility);
  2. Compilation of the online registration at the following link:

In the online registration the teacher has also to upload:

  • a copy of the Identity card or Passport;
  • the Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching (PDF format only).

AND will provide the teacher a Certificate of Attendance regarding the work period.

Other information and documents required for the Erasmus mobility are reported below.

Before arrival
Upon arrival & during the mobility
At the end of the mobility

Staff opportunities

The training period abroad enables any staff at a HEI to take part in a training activity abroad that is relevant to their day-to-day work at the HEI. It may take the form of training events (excluding conferences) or job shadowing and observation periods.

The duration of mobility among EU Member States and countries associated to the Programme must be from 2 to 60 days of physical mobility, excluding travel time. In the case of invited staff from enterprises, the minimum duration is 1 day of physical mobility.

In case of mobility involving third countries not associated to the Programme, the duration must be from 5 to 60 days, excluding travel time. The same applies for invited staff from enterprises.

In all cases, the minimum number of days must be consecutive.

A training activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours per week (or any other period of stay shorter than a week). If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of training hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that week. The following exceptions apply:

  • If the teaching activity is combined with a training activity during a single period abroad, the minimum number of hours of teaching per week (or any other period of stay shorter than a week) is reduced to 4 hours.

Any training period abroad may be carried out as a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP).

The sending organisation must be a HEI from an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme awarded with an ECHE, or a HEI from a third country not associated to the Programme recognised by competent authorities that has signed inter institutional agreements with their partners from an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme, before the mobility takes place.

The staff, the sending and the receiving organisation must sign a Staff Mobility Agreement for Training before the mobility takes place.

Administrative procedures at AND for incoming staff

  1. An official Invitation from AND as well an official request from the Partner Institution must be sent to the following e-mail addresses:; (Please note that the request must include the data of the home institution, Erasmus code if applicable, personal data of the participant and the period of mobility);
  2. Compilation of the online registration at the following link:

In the online registration the staff has also to upload:

  • a copy of the Identity card or Passport;
  • the Staff Mobility Agreement for Training (PDF format only).

AND will provide the teacher a Certificate of Attendance regarding the training period.

Other information and documents required for the Erasmus mobility are reported below.

Before arrival
Upon arrival & during the mobility
At the end of the mobility

Coordinatori Erasmus
Erasmus Coordinators:
Prof.ssa Monica Fulloni
Prof.ssa Sara Lourenco

International Office Administration:
Dott.ssa Morgana Bruno

Orario di ricevimento:
mercoledì e giovedì dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 12:00
Receiving hours:
on Wednesday and on Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00

📍Dove siamo / Where we are
